
stop au charbon. protéger le climat!

  • 9.8. - 15.8.2022 Camp Justice Climatique et action de masse dans la région de Hambourg

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Event program at the System Change Camp

The PDF can be found here . There are 10 main venues at the camp. The big circus tent, the Yamal Peninsula, Vaca Muerta, Okavango Delta, Permian Basin and the “…ums Ganze!” tent. In addition, there is the MAPA Space, the BIPoC Space and the self-organised tent of Abya Yala Anticolonial. In addition to the program in the tents, some events will also take place outdoors or in the Hamburg city area.

Of course, there will also be music program, screen printing, spontaneous workshops, information stands, etc.

The events can be interpreted (at least via whisper translation) into German, English and Spanish (limited French and Polish). If you can interpret/translate into other languages, please contact us, we are still looking for interpreters/translators.

You would like to participate in the program?
Please come to our tent next to the infopoint and talk to us!

Aquí puede encontrar un PDF con la traducción completa al español de las descripciones de los programas, ordenadas por días y cronológicamente. Para conocer los lugares concretos y los cambios de última hora, consulte la versión analógica en la tienda del programa.