Code Rood

Code Red for Groningen and Climate!
Camp location and transport
The camp location is Dieftilweg 4, 9912 TA Leermens, The Netherlands.
Find informations about Camp location and transport directly at the website of Code Rood!
IT’S CODE RED FOR GRONINGEN AND THE CLIMATE! Gas must stay in the ground and all the earthquake damage needs to be compensated. But the NAM, Shell and Exxon keep on pumping. And the government is allowing this to happen.
THAT IS WHY WE ARE DRAWING A LINE: from the city to the countryside, from Groningen and beyond, we are joining forces around Groningen’s liberation day on the 28th of August. With the first mass action of civil disobedience in Groningen we are sending out a powerful signal: leave the gas in the ground! Everyone can contribute, experience is not required.
Together with people from Groningen, Code Rood is also organising an ACTION CAMP IN GRONINGEN from 24th to 31st of August. Here, we will offer a wide programme of workshops, trainings and open discussions about gas extraction and a fossil free world. And in the evenings there’ll be a campfire and music. You can stay at the camp overnight, or drop by for a day visit.
ARE YOU IN? Make a donation and sign-up for the newsletter and upcoming events !
The Code Rood action and camp would not be possible without the support and money of countless people and organisations. We live on donations from people like you. So we can stay 100% independent, without subsidies.
Your donation will be used for the locations of our action conferences, building a camp for actions and workshops for 800 people for a week, action materials for the large blockade and legal support for everyone who participates.
You can transfer your donation to the following bank account:
NL55 TRIO 0338 6023 80
In the name of: Steungroep NVDA
Without you the camp and action wouldn’t be possible! For more information take a look at the donation call of Code Rood.