Newsletter #10/22
Today our newsletter revolves around the most burning issue of the winter: Lützerath. Statements from the press, police and politics are overflowing and we are forming. You will find general information about the situation and support possibilities. Furthermore we have a guide to civil disobedience for trans*, inter*, non-binary and agender (= TINA) and we invite you to a few dates.

Enjoy reading!
1. Defend Lützerath
2. Guide to civil disobedience for trans*, inter*, non-binary and agender people
3. Dates
1. Defend Lützerath
As you have probably already noticed, Lützerath’s attempt to evacuate will start around January 14, 2023. At the moment it seems most likely that the evacuation starts on January 16, 2023. The police are expected to announce the eviction on 09/10/01/2022. But it can also happen earlier.
A lot of support is required in various working groups on site. From the beginning of January, at the latest from 05.01.2023, the alternative camp (“Unser Aller Camp”, UAC) will be set up in Keyenkamp. Support is also required for the structure and operation. From the eviction start on, there will be no longer the possibility to get into Lützerath, so we recomment, that you come in time if you want to support. But at a later time, it would be usable too, too support, based at the camp in Keyenberg or remote
Here is further support material for the MOBI week: .
17.12.2022, decentralized day of action in solidarity with Lützerath, advertises and plans actions!
It is still hoped that there will be so many activists on site that the eviction has to be canceled, and #lütziBleibt. If you want to be there before the lock in of Lützerath: Come on the Lützi police before January 10th would be nice. when Lützerath has been locked in by the police, you will also be used outside! We block the demolition machines; Preventing more cops from being paralyzed, provide material, deliver material in and encourage loud protest. Legal contact points are then vigil and camp in the area.
Mobilization material for Lützerath can be found via the website as well as .
For 14.01.2023, has been planned a Demo at Lützerath /Keyenberg. Many organisations are part of this, at example FFF. Here is further support material for the MOBI week: .
People are also still sought for awareness, Gesa support and many other tasks in the camp and the associated logistics and care. For day X (start of the evacuation attempt) there will also be decentralized actions and demonstrations and vigils in many places.
2. Guide to civil disobedience for trans*, inter*, non-binary and agender people
This guide by the Trans-Action collective seeks to give advice to TINA (meaning: trans*, inter, non-binary, and agender) people taking part in civil disobedience actions. It was drafted by folks from northern, western, and southern Europe, drawing on their experience as genderqueer activists and trainers, mostly within the climate justice movement.
Here you can find more information and download the guide:
3. Dates
1. Dept for Climate 16. Dezember um 19 Uhr
On Friday, December 16th at 7pm, Debt for Climate cordially invites you to a really exciting webinar with Silvia Federici, Lucía Cavallero, Verónica Gago, Juan Pablo Olsson and Louise Wagner to talk about intersectional perspectives on the neocolonial debt regime and experiences from feminist struggles against it. We are looking forward to everyone of you – there will be simultaneous translation into English, Spanish and French!
Here is the zoom link .
Stay tuned for short-term updates by following DebtforClimate on Twitter: .
2. Save-the-Date: Alliance meeting from 20. to 22.01.2023
After the action is before the action. That’s why we invite you to the alliance meeting from 20 to 22 January! Here we want to concretize our plans for the next action season. A very good start also for new people!
Please note the date in your calendar, you will find more information on our website soon. There you will also find the registration form about a week before the dates.