++ Ende Gelände action days continue ++ Construction site in Wilhelmshaven for planned liquefied natural gas terminal blocked ++
The alliance Ende Gelände continues its actions of civil disobedience against the planned expansion of fossil gas infrastructure in northern Germany. Hundreds of activists reached their action goal this morning and occupied the construction site for a planned liquefied natural gas terminal in Wilhelmshaven.

Yesterday, a group of activists had already blocked the main gate of the fertilizer producer Yara in Brunsbüttel, a major gas consumer at the planned liquefied natural gas terminal in Brunsbüttel.
Luka Scott, spokesperson for Ende Gelände, explains: “The climate crisis is coming to a head. But instead of finally getting out of fossil fuels, billions are to be invested in new liquefied natural gas terminals and gas imports are to be fixed until 2043. We will resolutely oppose this fossil fuel rollback and prevent the construction of LNG terminals.”
Charly Dietz, also spokesperson for Ende Gelände, adds, “Gas is a climate killer. No matter where it comes from, the extraction of fossil gas is linked to displacement, exploitation and destruction. European corporations make billions in profits through colonial exploitation. We oppose this climate crime and take the gas exit into our own hands.”
The German government plans to build a total of about a dozen new LNG terminals to import liquefied natural gas in response to Russia’s war of aggression and the search for alternatives to Russian gas. A month ago, construction of a floating landing and storage platform for liquefied natural gas began in Wilhelmshaven. With the protests, in which international activists are also participating, the alliance intents to scandalize the neocolonial structures that go along with it.
Esteban Servat, a climate activist from Argentina, reports: “Germany’s largest gas and oil producer Wintershall DEA has been operating fracking facilities in Argentina for years, where rivers are poisoned, habitats destroyed and human rights disregarded for the extraction of fossil gas. It’s time to connect the struggles in the Global South with the struggles in Germany and take joint action against the destruction of our planet by multinational corporations.”
Ende Gelände has announced civil disobedience actions against the expansion of fossil infrastructure and colonial economic structures for the entire weekend.
Contact details
E-mail: presse@ende-gelaende.org
Charly Dietz: +49 163 681 1776
Luka Scott: +49 177 9705757
On the Ende Gelände flickr account you can find photos of current and past actions: https://www.flickr.com/photos/133937251@N05/albums
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