++ Ende Gelände kicks off mass actions ++ Thousands set out to initiate immediate gas phase-out ++
This morning at 8:00 a.m., about 2000 activists set off as a demonstration march from the System Change Camp in Hamburg. The action alliance Ende Gelände has announced to protest with mass actions of civil disobedience against the expansion of fossil infrastructure and colonial economic structures.

Hamburg, Press release 13.08.2022 at 8:30 a.m.
Luka Scott, spokesperson for Ende Gelände, said: “Today we will stand in the way of the big climate killer corporations and take the gas phase-out into our own hands. Anyone still investing in new fossil fuel infrastructure in 2022 will have to reckon with our resistance.”
The German government is planning to build a total of about a dozen new LNG terminals to import liquefied natural gas in search of alternatives to Russian gas.
Charly Dietz, also a spokesperson for Ende Gelände, explains: “The big oil and gas companies are crisis profiteers. While rising prices and fossil inflation are becoming a risk of poverty for many people, the oil and gas industry is recording profits in the billions. This shows quite clearly: we are not in an energy crisis, but a capitalist distribution crisis. Subsidising the fossil gas industry with billions instead of protecting consumers from energy poverty is a scandal and a declaration of war against all those who fight for climate justice.
Numerous international activists are also taking part in the action. Many of them had already given talks and workshops at the System Change Camp to report on the situation in their home countries.
Juan Pablo, a climate justice and human rights activist from Colombia, adds: “Globalisation in Colombia has imposed death and violence on us. We are here today, all together, because we are the globalisation of resistance.”
In the last few days there have already been actions of civil disobedience against a planned liquefied natural gas terminal in Wilhelmshaven and the large gas consumer Yara in Brunsbüttel.
Contact details
E-mail: presse@ende-gelaende.org
Charly Dietz: +49 163 681 1776
Luka Scott: +49 177 9705757
On the Ende Gelände flickr account you can find photos of current and past actions: https://www.flickr.com/photos/133937251@N05/albums
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